Monday, 10 September 2012

HIIT Principle-HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training.

HIIT means that the
exerciser will first warm-up for a
few minutes, then engage in some form of aerobic exercise at a
moderate pace for approximately 90 seconds to one minute and then
immediately switch intensities to an all out effort for about 30 seconds,
and then go right back to a medium duration. This back and forth from
low to medium intensity to extremely high intensity will keep the body
working constantly throughout the workout and will allow you to
perform quite a few minutes of all out high intensity exercise. High
intensity interval training has been shown to be effective in clinical
study after clinical study in helping people remove significant amounts
of fat from the body.

A word of caution to you out there, if you're not
already in great shape, you don't want to begin
with high intensity interval training. Instead, use
the FITT principle to allow you to construct
workouts that will allow you to perform at higher
and higher levels of intensity until you can
incorporate the high intensity interval training into your fat loss
workout. As we mentioned prior, while the workout above is designed
for running, you can use just about any type of aerobic exercise in
place of running and still receive the same fantastic benefits of high
intensity interval training.

One more fantastic attribute of a high intensity interval training
workout is that the workouts themselves will be shorter in duration
than most other workouts you will perform. Although it will take you
much less time to complete a HIIT workout, the benefits you receive
will be multiplied many times over other types of exercises. This
makes HIIT workouts some of the most efficient and effective known
to exercisers anywhere.

Because this principle merely focuses on intervals of a particular
exercise, the actual type of aerobic exercise you do is left up to your
own imagination. This can include stair climbing, rope jumping,
jogging and running, bicycling or any other type of aerobic exercise. In
addition to the benefits received while performing a high intensity
interval training workout, your body will continue to burn calories long
after the workout is over in a way unlike any other exercise that you can perform. Below is a sample HIIT workout to give you an idea of
exactly how this effective principle can work for you.
1. Begin with a light two minute jog work out.
2. Gradually build into a medium intensity run for about 90 seconds to two
3. Then build up and transition into sprinting at all out of intensity for about 30
seconds, then go to fast walk for recovery.
4. repeat steps 1-3 intervals 6 to 8 times

Friday, 7 September 2012

Fat Loss Exercise Principles Fitt

Yep, now is time for everybody's favorite part of fat loss, the exercise
portion. When we say exercise, we're not just talking about doing
some side bends and a few jumping jacks. The exercise associated
with fat loss has to be intense enough to provide the results. There are
two main types of exercise we will be speaking about in this manual
that you can use to achieve your fat loss goals. The first of course is
aerobic exercise that you will perform to increase your cardiovascular
capacity and burn off massive amounts of calories and in turn, fat. The
second type of exercise we will be talking about is resistance training,
which is most commonly identified with activities such as weightlifting

We’ll look at two specific exercise principles and how they will help
support your Fat Loss goals:
FITT Principle-The FITT principle is a specific exercise prescription
module that will help trainee’s to better plan their fitness routines. This
principle acts as a perfect guide for you to use to begin exercising to
lose fat:
FITT stands for:
F   = Frequency refers to how often you exercise
I = Intensity refers to how hard you exercise
T = Time refers to how long or duration you exercise for
T = Type refers to the kinds of exercise you undertake

Aerobic exercise comes to us in many
different forms. Some choose to run a
few miles on the treadmill or get
some time in on a stationary exercise
bike or even jump rope. No matter
what it is that you do, the most
important aspect of this exercise is
the intensity and duration. You can work out for two hours at a very
low level of intensity and not achieve any results at all.

Simply put, varying the types of exercises you do, how long you do
them, and how hard you do them can help keep you on the road to fat
loss success. Simply make a list of aerobic exercises that either you
enjoy doing or have done in the past and make up several FITT
training session routines for you to choose from on a regular basis. This exercise principle has been shown to be extremely effective in
helping people keep on target and helping them complete what they
set out to with respect to their fat loss goals.

f FITT: Exercise program #1
Frequency: 4 days per week
Intensity: Warm-up, intensity level 5 for 25 minutes, intensity level 8 for 10
minutes, intensity level 2 minutes cool down
Time: No more than 45 minutes
Type: Jogging/Running program

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

my Meal

Okay, so we've looked at the motivation required in order to achieve
significant fat loss results and we've delved into some of the principles
of what you want to include in your diet that will help to support fat
loss, so what else is there? Oh…the “magic.” This is simply one example
 of what you might eat during the
course of a normal day to help support your fat loss goals. B

1. Meal One
a. 1 cup Oatmeal
b. 1 egg, boiled
c. 1 piece wheat toast w/nut butter (1 tblspn)
d. small glass of low fat milk
2. Meal Two
a. Enriched Protein Shake
3. Meal Three
a. Low fat Cottage Cheese w/fish oils
b. small chicken breast, steamed (no skin)
c. 1 cup steamed broccoli, lightly buttered
d. Glass of water
4. Meal Four
a. 1 apple w/ nut butter
b. 2 slices cheese
c. small can of tuna
d. small glass of low fat milk
5. Meal Five
a. Salmon Filet
b. 2 cups Steamed Asparagus
c. ½ cup beans, lightly buttered
d. 1 piece wheat bread
e. small protein shake

Saturday, 1 September 2012

A few Fat Facts you must know

I just wanted to throw down some fat facts here real quickly to help
highlight some common misconceptions about fat loss. First of all,
muscle weighs more than fat. This is an important thing to remember
as you progress toward your overall goals. As we mentioned
previously, many folks pay more attention to the weight they lost and
how they actually look and the shape that they're in. You could lose 20
pounds and still look very similar to how you looked before you lost

the weight if the weight loss was muscle. Keep in mind that body fat
percentage and how you look and the mirror are better ways to judge
your fat loss results than simply the pounds you lose as determined by
a scale.
Another important fat fact to understand is how your body actually
puts on and then loses fat. This process occurs in an inverse ratio
scenario. What this means is that the areas on your body where fat
will accumulate on first, will actually be the last areas to lose fat. For
instance, on men, fat will begin to collect on the lower midsection or
the belly first. On women, it is often the thighs and the back of the
arms that represent the first stages of fat gain.

So, when you're looking to get into fantastically lean fat-free shape,
for men it will be the belly that is the last thing to go and for women
the thighs and the backs of the arms of course. The reason it is
important to remember these fat loss facts is because of the fact that
so many people try to “spot reduce.” Spot reduction is the theory that
suggests you can actually lose weight in certain parts of your body by
targeting those areas with specific exercises. This is a myth and is not
possible. The fat will be lost from your entire body exactly opposite in
the way that it went on as we mentioned.
Therefore, you can do all the crunches in the world and while you may
develop stronger abdominal muscles, you may never see them unless
you lose fat from your entire body, INCLUDING this next, very
important area.

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Motivation to be super diet

sometime. i really tired..

Motivation may be the number one 
fat loss underground secret that 
exists. With the right level of 
motivation, coupled with a bit of 
good exercise and diet knowledge, 
people can achieve just about 
anything that they set out to. 
Because the process of achieving 
significant fat loss is so difficult, it 
will require your mindset to be strong and intensely focused on the 
goal. Below are a few suggestions to help you get and stay motivated 
throughout the process of achieving your fat loss goals: 

• Self awareness-One of the most important motivational factors that 
you can use when monitoring your  fat loss progress is for you to 
simply look in the mirror. So many people are focused on exactly how 
much they weigh 
that they don't pay 
attention to what's 
right before their 
eyes. What you 
weigh says very 
little about the 
overall health and shape you are in because muscle weighs more than 
fat so even though you may have not lost a lot of actual weight, you 
may have lost significant amounts of fat while building muscle and are 
therefore in much better shape. Keep this in mind and focus on using 
the mirror and how your clothes fit as ongoing motivational tools. 

Thats why this blog be created.>> Blog it!

• Keep a daily journal or a blog-people who write down their goals
and their experiences as they work to achieve something have much
more success than those who don't. In times past, a journal or a diary
was one of the best ways to do this but with the advent of the
Internet, a blog makes a fantastic tool for this purpose. A blog that is
widely available to the public can be an even greater motivational tool
since so many people can read your entries and follow you on your path. Your entries can contain your specific body measurements when
you started your fat loss routine, daily menus of what you have eaten,
and exercise you have performed that will allow you to track your
progress so that you can see just exactly how well you're doing.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

3-Day Dietary Record

It is important that this record be both accurate and representative of your dietary intake.  Thus it is essential that you do not alter your
normal eating habits in any way and that you record as precisely as possible every single item that you consume (this includes water, vitamins, condiments, etc.).  To do so, you must follow a few simple instructions (listed below).  The purpose here is to correctly record and
quantify your normal intake, not to judge it.  If you change your eating habits in any way, then we cannot accurately analyze your typical
diet.  The procedure may seem somewhat cumbersome, but remember, it is only three days.

Keep a pen and paper with you at all times to record your intake including food item, quantity, and notes.  This is imperative as snacks are typically consumed
unpredictably and, as a result, it is impossible to record them accurately unless your recording forms are nearby.
Use a small food scale if you have one, or use standard measuring devices (e.g., measuring cups, measuring spoons) to record the quantities consumed as accurately
as possible.  If you do not eat all of the item (for instance a portion or an apparently delicious hastily prepared casserole of leftovers that turned out to be not so
delicious), re-measure what’s left and record the difference.
Record combination foods separately (e.g. hot dot, bun, and condiments) and include brand names of food items (list contents  of homemade items) whenever
possible.  For packaged items, use labels to determine quantities.
Record three days that are representative of your normal intake.  Therefore if your weekdays are different from your weekends, pick two weekdays and one weekend.  Likewise, if your M,W, and F are different from your T and Th and all these days are different from your Sat and sun, you should pick one day to represent

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Supplements for body , tested.

You may goggle it and order online from your computer for fast home delivery!

1. Fish Oils

Omega-3 rich Fish Oil capsules to ones that are proven 47 times more effective for your health …. and for no additional cost!

        As you know, leading natural health experts recommend everyone should be taking Fish Oil. The main reason is the Omega 3 antioxidants in it reduce health-killing free radicals in your body.

        But this breaking new research proves you should upgrade from your regular fish oil because a new kind works much better. It gives you more of the health benefits you want most – now and in the future.

        The news is that Krill Oil has proven far superior to regular Fish Oil for your health. In fact, a recent McGill University study by R.Bunea, M.D., K. Farrah, M.D. and L. Deutsch, M.D. showed:
 Good Cholesterol rose 10 times more than with regular fish oil. (HDL 44% vs. 4.2%)

 Bad Cholesterol dropped 16 times more than with regular fish oil. (LDL 32% vs. 2%)

 PAIN reduced 3 times more in only seven days than with regular fish oil (-30 vs. -10; study at Western Ontario and McMaster University WOMAC scores)

Here are more proven clinical study results …

 FASTER and EASIER WEIGHT LOSS by improved glucose metabolism and stabilization of blood sugar levels

 BETTER HEART HEALTH by reducing inflammation

 Prevention of blood clots and high blood pressure that lead to heart attack and stroke

 Reduced risk of death from heart problems. “It reduces the risk of forming a blood clot – a major factor in heart attacks” write authors Dr. Frank Ryan and Dr Reg Saynor, who turned 80 earlier this year, looking barely a day over 50 – a fact he credits to this SuperFood supplement!

 Decreased joint pain

 Improves mood and provides relief of PMS symptoms for women
        As you can plainly see, you get a lot more health benefits to make you feel and look your best, relieve your health problems naturally, and help prevent serious illnesses.

2. Anti-Aging

 please don’t be fooled by other companies that talk about their “ingredients” being proven in studies. Often, they are just talking about studies that were done by other companies with a specific ingredient – NOT the complete formula. That’s a big, big difference because it’s how the ingredients work together synergistically (in the right amounts) that make it work.

The Prograde study was done with the complete Prograde Metabolism product. Not isolated ingredients- but the actual product you can purchase right here. We know it takes a lot more time, effort and money to do a study this large and complete– but  it’s well worth it. After all, if we put our name on a product, it must be the best – and you don’t want to settle for anything less than the best, do you?

Here’s a summary results of this breakthrough clinical study which compares Prograde Metabolism versus the placebo.

2.9X More Fat Loss
4.2X Great Weight Loss
4.3X More Lean Mass Gain
7.0X Greater Loss of Hip Girth
8.0X Greater Loss of Waist Girth
5.0X Greater Increase in Energy
What a wonderful coincidence!  Or is it? 
No, we purposely teamed these two natural ingredients together so that you could reap the added benefits and have a fairer shot at reaching your weight loss goals.  When these two team up, your fat cells don’t stand a chance. 
Research conducted at Ehime University (Japan) reported that people who took raspberry ketone lost more fat than those taking a placebo.  As a result of this and other studies, raspberry ketone is a very popular weight loss supplement in Japan.
Another reason for its worldwide popularity is its ability to naturally facilitate the release of hormone-sensitive lipase.  Hormone-Sensitive Lipase (HSL) is an enzyme that has the ability to reduce fat accumulation, by catalyzing the breakdown and liberation of fatty acids from lipid droplets found within fat cells. 
When fat is released properly from its stubborn location within fat cells, it has an easier time being utilized and burned as fuel by your body and isn’t hanging around your hips, your stomach, or any place else on your body.  And that, my friend, is great news! 
If you do a quick Internet search to learn more about raspberry ketone, you’ll find many studies confirming its effectiveness.  But you’ll also find that most of those studies were conducted on mice! That’s NOT the case with our product.

The raspberry ketone (Raz-K
®) included in METABOLISM is the only one on the market today that’s been tested on humans.  This is another reason whyMETABOLISM truly resides in a class of its own.

3. Protein Shake Formula

Build Muscle Faster – 1 Scoop of Prograde Lean contains 3.1 grams of the essential amino acid Leucine, shown in extensive scientific studies to be responsible for activating protein synthesis and muscle growth at the DNA level.*

It really is simple: If you want your body to become a fat burning machine, you MUST eat frequent meals throughout the day. Why? Because it keeps your metabolism working at optimal efficiency around the clock.

If you are one of the few people who find it easy to eat 5-6 small, nutritious meals over the course of each and every day, then Prograde Lean is NOT for you. There is no need for you to continue reading.

But if you’re like the rest of us, if you have trouble making the time to prepare a delicious meal to support your Look Better Naked efforts, our delicious meal replacement drink is EXACTLYwhat you have been looking for.
Imagine never having to worry again about wondering what you’re going to eat for breakfast.
Imagine having a super-satisfying meal at your finger tips, without the hassles of preparing a bunch of ingredients.

Delicious, easy-to-mix formula – thick, rich and ready to drink in less than 60 seconds!
 35 grams of protein to blast fat fast through the thermic effect of food
 A perfect instant breakfast or lunch
 8 grams of fiber to keep you full and satisfied
 The metabolism boost needed to promote consistent fat loss**
 Low Temperature Micofiltered and Cross Flow Micro-Filtration Whey Protein Isolates for unparalleled purity
 Contains 6.8 grams of Branched Chain Amino Acids and over 3 grams of the all-important Amino Acid Leucine. 
 Powered with pharmaceutical quality whey protein
Prograde Lean is Gluten Free

Thursday, 17 May 2012

sport for slimming

* You can do 1-2 sessions of cardio per day.  One in the morning and one at night.

You can check M2 Calendar of outdoor classes for best results!  Give yourself 30 days to adapt 
before assessment.  Variety will keep you motivated to stay with your fitness goal.
You can strength train so muscles stay firm while dropping fat.  Training big muscle groups, 
compound movements work fastest for effective fat loss.  (2-5 days/wk)
Remember! Also, with an increase in cardio your need to stretch also increases.  Sore or tender 
knees, back and hips, will let you know it’s time.  Check out your gym for yoga based classes or 
watch M2 Sport Yoga (YouTube).

You can do any type of cardio at least 30-60 minutes each session.  Select a type that is body and 
temperament suitable (i.e. non-impact vs. impact/walking vs. jogging or running).
* You can do cardio 4-6 days a week.  (7 if you’re impatient or an over achiever!)
You must get your heart rate into your “Training Heart Rate” range (60%  - 90% age adjusted 
range).  Polar F-6 heart rate monitor works best!  This version will also show total calories burned 
and average heart rate per session.  (M2 120-180 bpm) Great tool!
You can burn 5-10 “Starting”, 10-15 “Moderate” or 15-20 “Extreme” calories per minute/per session from start to finish!  After 5 minutes check to see if you have burned enough calories 25-50, 
50-75 or 75-100.
You can strive to beat each session by 1 or more calories as your HR monitor or counter on the 
piece of equipment you use indicates

Friday, 13 April 2012

DIET easy?

ohhhh..super easy.

* You can have an egg white dish (4+) daily.  Mix with meat, fish or fowl and veggies.
You can include 1-2 snacks daily.  A piece of water dense fruit (apple, pear, or banana) and a serving size of your favorite 
type of nuts or natural peanut butter.
You can include the essential fats in your eating plan to make your body drop fat faster! (Omega  –3,6,9’s) the fat sources 
from nuts, fish and veggie oil.
* Cottage cheese and fruit makes a great, quick meal!
* Drink 1 gallon of water daily

Upon getting out of bed EAT!!  Within 30-45 minutes you can eat one of the best performance and fat loss food items in meal 
#1 which is OATMEAL!
* You can eat 2-3 salads daily with 1-2tbl spoons of Olive oil dressing.  Eat it with 4-6oz. of seafood, fowl, or red lean meat.
You can eat the high fiber, nutrient dense foods like those suggested M2 Nutrition Program.  Fruits, veggies, whole grains.  
Fresh, frozen or forget it!  Limit canned items.  Shoot for minimum of 30-40 grams per day.
You can have a meal replacement shake each day.  Try it with frozen fruit, nonfat organic plain yogurt (TJ’s), egg whites and
or water.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

my time tHINGS for slim

i Follow these basics along with these habits ,its proven.


Friday, 9 March 2012

Body raising

After MAYBE 4 weeks of cleaning the garbage and making the appropriate plans to adjust intake and measurement of quantities, a lot of the start-up skills have been mastered. From here, we start to adjust our foods according to the results from our training.
We do this by continuing to get bi-monthly body-fat check ups, monitoring our training volume (i.e. days of the strength training in the gym, duration of workout, sets, reps, and poundage along with cardio frequency, intensities, duration, type, and any and all activities outside training that may influence calories burned each day through occupation or family responsibilities).
The development of a “master list” of the most common fat loss foods we eat are part of this next step. On average, we all tend to eat about 15-20 different foods day in and day out. If this doesn’t describe you, then you may start to widdle your food choices down for sanity and simplicity sake.
Three items at this stage that are helpful to further allow you to take control and eliminate the guess work: a Polar heart rate monitor (FT-40), a Tanita body-fat scale and a Newline Best Buy Electronic Digital Kitchen food scale. Each of these items can be picked up at on our site or and delivered to your door in one day.
List the food item, manufacture, quantity of serving (oz/grams), calories per serving, carbs per serving, protein per serving and fats serving. Group them, top to bottom of list, carbs and proteins then fats sources.

Some people will enjoy (prefer) eating the same 5-10 foods the last 6-12 weeks going into a show or event and not blink and eye, while other’s will need a little bit more variety to keep themselves sane.
The larger variety will ensure a healthier approach and may allow a better rounded quantity of micronutrients to be available through the food sources eaten, while the other will definitely need the added supplementation to act as a safety net.
During this phase the Newline food scale will also be an important tool to keep the quantities measured and our calorie counts accurate. The scale is mostly needed with proteins and possibly with starchy carbs to allow slow reduction for better control of moods and energy levels during a CKD (Cyclical Ketogenic diet).
Depending on your body type (ecto, meso, and endomorph) and temperament, this can be 4-7 days per week, 30-60 minute sessions and quite possibly double sessions each day prior to competitive target date. A heart rate monitor is another tool we suggest using. While others may just prefer time duration (i.e. 20sec/60sec sprints) intervals with a reduced resting pace and repeat, we allow the heart rate to return to 120bpm and then perform next interval for 20/60 sec. The gym cardio equipment (hand sensor type) heart rate sensor’s are not accurate and create a false reading. So we recommend a Polar FT-40 Heart rate monitor to not only track intensities, but to give our clients some totals on daily/weekly calorie expenditures.
The next tool to suggest is the Tanita Body Comp scale. After getting bodyfat done by a fitness professional, measure the result against those readings with your scale and make note of variance. Also make note of time of day, day of week and if you used before a shower as all these factors may affect outcome. Already try a few time. worth it.

Friday, 24 February 2012

my body start up .

Time to “clean the GARBAGE!” this is the elimination process where any and All food items that our processed “man made” are eliminated or reduced,eventually non existent from your diet. 
All sugars, other than sugar from natural sources such as whole fruit, will be excluded from the menu plan. Stevia as a sugar substitute may be allowed (you can find this at places like Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s or any natural food store).
In conjunction with this process, we will conduct monthly body fat testing and measurements. Preferably with a nine point check. Photos will be taken. Wear comfortable and minimum quantity of clothing.
Make note of time of day, day of the week, (monthly cycle, etc) and possibly food items consumed 1 day or so before testing to determine any differences or fluctuations that may be extreme from previous tests.
A level one dieter is usually coming from a place where they have tried numerous programs unsuccessfully and are now in need and ready for an in depth transition, and/or a knowledgeable program instead of the hit and run type of approach or “temporary fix”, their aiming for that lifestyle change. Initially, it’s common to be all over the board with the food choices we make, we have to move gradually in order to avoid any rebound effect (shock of change), which may cause you to go back to old eating patterns (by the way, this is no excuse to put on the feeding bag).
Only if its ok, than it should be okay.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

domain ownership

This Post confirms my ownership of the site and that
this site adheres to Google AdSense program policies and terms and conditions