sometime. i really tired..
Motivation may be the number one
fat loss underground secret that
exists. With the right level of
motivation, coupled with a bit of
good exercise and diet knowledge,
people can achieve just about
anything that they set out to.
Because the process of achieving
significant fat loss is so difficult, it
will require your mindset to be strong and intensely focused on the
goal. Below are a few suggestions to help you get and stay motivated
throughout the process of achieving your fat loss goals:
• Self awareness-One of the most important motivational factors that
you can use when monitoring your fat loss progress is for you to
simply look in the mirror. So many people are focused on exactly how
much they weigh
that they don't pay
attention to what's
right before their
eyes. What you
weigh says very
little about the
overall health and shape you are in because muscle weighs more than
fat so even though you may have not lost a lot of actual weight, you
may have lost significant amounts of fat while building muscle and are
therefore in much better shape. Keep this in mind and focus on using
the mirror and how your clothes fit as ongoing motivational tools.
Thats why this blog be created.>> Blog it!
• Keep a daily journal or a blog-people who write down their goals
and their experiences as they work to achieve something have much
more success than those who don't. In times past, a journal or a diary
was one of the best ways to do this but with the advent of the
Internet, a blog makes a fantastic tool for this purpose. A blog that is
widely available to the public can be an even greater motivational tool
since so many people can read your entries and follow you on your path. Your entries can contain your specific body measurements when
you started your fat loss routine, daily menus of what you have eaten,
and exercise you have performed that will allow you to track your
progress so that you can see just exactly how well you're doing.
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