* You can do 1-2 sessions of cardio per day. One in the morning and one at night.
You can check M2 Calendar of outdoor classes for best results! Give yourself 30 days to adapt
before assessment. Variety will keep you motivated to stay with your fitness goal.
You can strength train so muscles stay firm while dropping fat. Training big muscle groups,
compound movements work fastest for effective fat loss. (2-5 days/wk)
Remember! Also, with an increase in cardio your need to stretch also increases. Sore or tender
knees, back and hips, will let you know it’s time. Check out your gym for yoga based classes or
watch M2 Sport Yoga (YouTube).
You can do any type of cardio at least 30-60 minutes each session. Select a type that is body and
temperament suitable (i.e. non-impact vs. impact/walking vs. jogging or running).
* You can do cardio 4-6 days a week. (7 if you’re impatient or an over achiever!)
You must get your heart rate into your “Training Heart Rate” range (60% - 90% age adjusted
range). Polar F-6 heart rate monitor works best! This version will also show total calories burned
and average heart rate per session. (M2 120-180 bpm) Great tool!
You can burn 5-10 “Starting”, 10-15 “Moderate” or 15-20 “Extreme” calories per minute/per session from start to finish! After 5 minutes check to see if you have burned enough calories 25-50,
50-75 or 75-100.
You can strive to beat each session by 1 or more calories as your HR monitor or counter on the
piece of equipment you use indicates